Participation in the International Conference

Participation in the International Conference

On October 10, 2024 the international conference "V4 + UKRAINE EXPERIENCE IN REDUCING CORRUPTION AND FRAUD" was held at Wroclaw University of Economics and Business within the framework of the implementation of the 2nd stage of the Visegrad Fund Project IVF 22320065 "Experience sharing of V4 against the shadow economy, corruption and tax avoidance in Ukraine”.

Participants from Lviv University of Trade and Economics presented the results of their scientific research:

  • associate professor Tetyana Medynska and student Volodymyr Humenyuk with the report "TAX CONTROL AS INSTRUMENT OF COUNTERACTION OF AVOIDING TAX PAYMENT IN UKRAINE";
  • professor Nadiya Rushchyshyn Nadiya and student Sofia Starodub with the report "TAX EVASION: REASONS AND CONSEQUENCES FOR UKRAINE".

Participation in the International Conference

At the conference Project partners from the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine shared their knowledge and experience, discussed issues of economic shadowing, corruption, fraud, and tax evasion in the V4 countries and Ukraine. which is important to raise awareness of corruption and tax evasion.

Participation in the International Conference

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