Preparation for Participation in the International Hackathon

Preparation for Participation in the International Hackathon

On May 2023 the Lviv University of Trade and Economics will take part in the hackathon as part of the international project "Entrepreneurial Preparation for Notable and Engaging Universities". The mission of the hakathon is to propose an idea for solving a real problem in the social sphere regarding the health/well-being of the population, improvement of medical care for the most vulnerable sections of the population etc.

Preparation for Participation in the International Hackathon

3 teams were formed at the University (from the Faculty of Commodity, Management and Serviсing; Faculty of International Economic Relations and Information Technology; Faculty of Economic and Management), each of which was assigned a mentor who would help them develop and present their projects.

Preparation for Participation in the International Hackathon

Each team will develop its own project and present it to the jury. On May 3, 2023 professor Serhiy Semiv conducted a training session where the participants were introduced to the technology of development and implementation of business ideas, including in the social sphere and their presentation using the Business Model Canvas.

The winning team will present its project at the European level together with other teams from the European Union.

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