New Challenges in the Inclusion Approach

In the period from November 16 to 22, 2023, Marta Losyk, the University student of the "Tourism" specialty completed the training course "New Challenges in the Inclusion Approach" within the framework of the project financed by the European Commission Erasmus+ (Craiova, Romania).

New Challenges in the Inclusion Approach

The training course which was attended by 40 young people from Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Jordan, Slovakia, Armenia, Italy, Turkey, Romania and Ukraine was aimed at acquiring work skills in an inclusive environment, ensuring the process of real inclusion of people with disabilities in the active social life, which is equally necessary for all members of society and is based on the idea of equality, consideration and acceptance of difference.

New Challenges in the Inclusion Approach

During the training, the project participants deepened their knowledge about the differences between stereotypes and prejudices, discrimination and anti-discrimination, found out how inclusion contributes to the development of the potential of each person, guarantees access to various opportunities for learning and interaction, and also contributes to the formation of people's respect for all manifestations diversity.

New Challenges in the Inclusion Approach

Discussions and debates were an integral part of the training, during which project participants had the opportunity to demonstrate their own views and solutions to contemporary social problems (immigration, wars, poverty, etc.) and propose ways to overcome them.

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