Participation in the Erasmus Partnership Conference

Participation in the Erasmus Partnership Conference

On May 15-19, 2023, the director of the Center of International Education Tetyana Shtanko and the manager of the same center Tetiana Hlushchenko visited the Erasmus Partnership Conference - EPIC 2023 (Opole, Poland).

This is the 12th annual event organized by the International Cooperation Department of the Opole University of Technology for university employees from all over the world, including managers of Erasmus+ projects. This year, 21 representatives from 14 universities from the Czech Republic, Georgia, Ukraine, Spain, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Portugal, Romania and Italy were present.

At the meeting good practices of implementing the mobility of teachers, staff and students were discussed, experiences were exchanged, scientific and pedagogical proposals were presented, ideas for joint projects were worked out, as well as ways of encouraging students to make wider use of the opportunities of the Erasmus+ program and to learn about the cultural features of other countries.

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